hosed - определение. Что такое hosed
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Что (кто) такое hosed - определение

Usually refering to a situation beyond salvage or repair. Similar to FUBAR. Pronunciation: 'hOz-d'
Chris forgot to back it up... We're so hosed!
<jargon> A somewhat humorous variant of "down", used primarily by Unix hackers. "Hosed" implies a condition thought to be relatively easy to reverse. It is also widely used of people in the mainstream sense of "in an extremely unfortunate situation". The term was popularised by fighter pilots refering to being hosed by machine gun fire (date?). Usage in hackerdom dates back to CMU in the 1970s or earlier. {"Acronyms and Abbreviations" from UCC, Ireland (http://ucc.ie/cgi-bin/acronym)} expands it as "Hardware Or Software Error Detected", though this is probably a back-formation. The Jargon File version 4.1.4 1999-06-17 says that it was probably derived from the Canadian slang "hoser" (meaning "a man, esp. one who works at a job that uses physical rather than mental skills and whose habits are slightly offensive but amusing"). One correspondant speculates about an allusion to a hose-like body part. Once upon a time, a Cray that had been experiencing periodic difficulties crashed, and it was announced to have been hosed. It was discovered that the crash was due to the disconnection of some coolant hoses. The problem was corrected, and users were then assured that everything was OK because the system had been rehosed. See also dehose. See also: hose. (1999-10-28)
  • 1309–1311}})
  • Gomer]] from the [[Bible Historiale]], 1372.
Prophecies of Hosea; Hos.; Book of Hoshea; Hosea, Prophecies of; Book of hosea; The Book of Hosea
¦ abbreviation Hosea (in biblical references).
Примеры произношения для hosed
1. "hosed?"
No Land's Man _ Aasif Mandvi _ Talks at Google
2. then you're hosed.
The Rapture of Nerds _ Cory Doctorow & Charles Stross _ Talks at Google
3. not, you'll be hosed.
Max _ Talks at Google
4. hosed, right, because what it means
Light of the Stars - Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth _ Adam Frank _ Talks at Google
5. But if you're wrong, you're completely hosed,
How the Biophysical Environment Shaped Human Preference _ Jamie Jones _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для hosed
1. Firefighters hosed the vehicles until smoke was replaced by steam.
2. Nothing that could not be hosed off the road anyway.
3. Broken glass littered the intersection as Iraqi firefighters hosed down the bloody street.
4. Dozens of street sweepers hosed down the roads and collected the debris of the day.
5. Police said that instead of being washed Giuseppina was hosed down on the balcony.